Event Details
In what is now almost a tradition, we will offer the basics of health law, including Stark, the antikickback, basics of licensure and credentialling, the regulatory hierarchy and more. This webinar is designed specifically for new lawyers and compliance professionals, or for people who would like to hear clear, easy to understand explanations of the core health care laws.
An on-demand recording of the program will be available after the live webcast. Past webcasts can be viewed for free on our Health Law Webinars page.
Continuing Education
We have applied for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit for this program in Iowa and Minnesota. This education activity has been submitted to the Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® and is currently pending their review for approval of CCB CEUs.
Platform Details
This webcast is held using ON24. Read more about the minimum system requirements here. Closed captioning is available.